We've just uploaded over a thousand documents with tables and charts from the 2008 American Community Survey (ACS) released this fall by the Census Bureau. The charts reveal socio-economic disparities experienced by African-Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans vis-a-vis non-Hispanic whites.
Click through these directories to download PDF files by nation, state, and selected counties and places (updated February 2012).
The national and state documents are from the 2008 one-year survey and the county documents are based on the 2006-2008 three-year survey.
We've included all counties with estimated populations of at least 20,000 persons, of whom 10,000 or more are African-American or Latino. ACS estimates for counties with fewer than 20,000 persons will not be available until the fall of 2010.
We use charts similar to these for testimony in Section 2 voting rights cases (redistricting). But the charts may also prove useful for local and state advocacy.
The documents are up to 60 pages in length -- but may be smaller depending on sample size and data suppression issues. We've included most of the key variables broken out by race or ethnicity in the American Community Survey. Persons familiar with the the SF 3 long form sample data from the 2000 census will notice differences in the data presented. For example, median home value, median rent, access to a vehicle, and telephone service are not available by race in the 2008 ACS.
The FairData website has several thousand contrast chart documents for most places in the country with significant minority populations, based on the 2000 census.
Thanks to M-SLICE in St. Louis, MO for suggesting these contrast chart updates.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
American Community Survey Contrast Charts
Posted by
8:49 AM
Labels: American Community Survey
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Potential New Majority-Black Congressional District in South Carolina
According to the latest population estimates from the Census Bureau, South Carolina is set to gain a new congressional seat in 2011. This means that a new majority African-American congressional district is in the cards.
The map below shows one possible configuration -- without getting into messy little details such as where incumbents live. The map is based on 2006 census tract population estimates (the latest we have available).
District 6 (yellow) has a 56% overall African-American population (about the same as the current District 6) and District 7 (light orange) is 53% African-American. We're cutting it close on the minority voting age percentage in District 7, but the district can be fine-tuned and probably strengthened when precinct-level data is released following the 2010 census
District 6 encompasses predominantly African American neighborhoods in Charleston and surrounding rural areas. The new upstate District 7 would combine parts of Columbia with the Greenville-Spartanburg area.
View Larger Map
There is no guarantee that South Carolina will get a new congressional seat when the actual count for the 2010 census is released. As explained in this post by the Swing State Project, it will all boil down to a few thousand persons. Community census advocates can use our Hard-to-Count Mapper or our Google Map overlays to help focus outreach efforts.
Posted by
8:16 AM
Labels: Census 2010, Redistricting
Monday, November 2, 2009
¡Hágase Contar!
Probably the single-most important factor which may contribute to an undercount in the 2010 Census is citizenship status. The Census Bureau estimates that there are 21.6 million non-citizen residents -- an increase of 3 million non-citizens over the 18.6 million reported in the 2000 Census.
The interactive table below shows the percentage of non-citizens for all places in the United States with a current population of 20,000 or more -- based on estimates from the 2006 to 2008 American Community Survey (ACS) released last week by the Census Bureau.
At 41.6%, Hialeah, Florida has the highest non-citizen percentage, with about 86,000 non-citizen residents. New York City has the largest non-citizen population -- about 1.48 million persons (17.8%).
You can search, sort, and filter the data in the table.
View expanded table
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2006-2008 American Community Survey, Table C05001.
Link to ACS tables
Data are based on a sample and are subject to sampling variability. Data are not available for some places because the number of sample cases is too small.
The interactive table below shows the same dataset for all counties with a population of 20,000 or more.
View expanded table
Hendry County, Florida and Miami-Dade County, Florida lead the pack with populations that are over 25 percent non-citizen.
The Census Bureau will not release ACS citizenship estimates for small jurisdictions (under 20,000 pop.) and census tracts until late 2010.
If you need street-level detail, the interactive map described in our July 23, 2009 blog post includes a block-group level thematic map showing the percentage of non-citizens, according to the 2000 census. At a scale of about 5 miles, the block group count of non-citizens (as of April 1, 2000) is displayed in purple boxes.(A related map in this application shows the percentage of the voting age population in 2000 that did not speak English "very well".)
You can also overlay tract-level citizenship info from Stanford's gCensus onto our Hard-to-Count census tract Google Maps using the technique described in this Google Earth Forum post (with map links).
Posted by
5:45 PM
Labels: American Community Survey, Census 2010, Latino Citizens
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Get out the Count -- Census 2010
The decennial census count has major implications for reapportionment, redistricting, and funding. Groups across America are conducting outreach campaigns to ensure that everyone is counted on April 1, 2010.
The Census Bureau has developed a list of "Hard-to-Count" (HTC) census tracts based on underlying demographic and socio-economic indicators. These are the areas where community-based "get out the count" efforts should be focused. Nearly one-fifth of the population lives in hard-to-count census tracts.
For details on the HTC methodology employed by the Census Bureau, see this PDF document or this one-page summary. Source data is available from the Census Bureau in an Excel spreadsheet.
Some state agencies have web pages with maps depicting HTC tracts -- see, for example, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Indiana. You can also download PDF maps by county from the Census Bureau showing census tract boundaries via this directory.
To help in a small way, we've developed an interactive map that highlights the Hard-to-Count tracts.
To access the interactive map, click the arrow icon or text link below.
Hard-to-Count 2010 Mapper
Source: 2010 Enhanced Planning Database
Posted by
10:11 AM
Labels: Census 2010