FairVote2020 has developed an interactive map showing Latino voter registration rates from the 2000 and 2004 general elections in California.
The 2000 map shows block group level estimates of unregistered Latinos (Map 1). The 2004 map (Map 26) shows the 2004 precinct level count of registered Latinos as a percentage of all registered voters.
Additional maps include census data on English proficiency, race, ethnicity, and income. Map 24 displays Bush-Kerry percentages (head-to-head) at the precinct level, excluding absentee ballots.
Zoom in on the map by clicking on the button at the top and then on the map. Change maps by clicking the drop-down menu under "Compare Maps" to the left of the map image window.
Use the INFO tool to query for voter registration and election data. November 2000 registration data at the block group level are in the field "Block Grp Vote (CA)". November 2004 registration and election data at the precinct level are in the field "CA_SSPrecincts_04." (SS Precincts are statistical precincts and in many instances do not follow local precinct boundaries for registration and elections.)
At the end of this page is a link to Adobe maps showing registered Latino voters by precinct for California cities with Latino populations greater than 15%. There is also a link to a second set of maps for the same 300 places displaying Bush-Kerry by precinct.
Also, there are links below to Google Earth .kml files showing Bush-Kerry and Latino registered voters by precinct. The files are large, so you will need a fast computer and a relatively new graphics card.
Unregistered Latinos in California
Google-FairData Base Map (start with a Google map interface)
This map is based on block-level registered voter estimates from disaggregated precinct counts as of the November 2000 general election.
At a scale of about 10 miles, block group level counts for the voting age unregistered Latino population are displayed in purple boxes. It is important to remember that the numbers are only estimates of the unregistered. Also, the unregistered count has not been adjusted to exclude non-citizens.
To display 2004 SS precinct boundaries (green lines) in Maps 1 and 2 click on the designated box below the map image, then select "Redraw". You must be zoomed in to a scale of about 10 miles to view the boundaries. Block group boundary lines (blue lines) can be removed by clicking off the check in the designated box.
Source: Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) (Block Groups) and California Statewide Database
Map 2 -- Spanish-speaking population (ages 18+) by English proficiency
This map displays the limited English-speaking population (voting age Spanish-speakers) The map is based on SF3 sample block group data. Block group color coding shows the percentage of Spanish speakers who either "do not speak English well" or "do not speak English at all". At a scale of about 5 miles, block group population counts for these two limited English categories are displayed in purple boxes.
Note: Some official definitions (for instance, Voting Rights Act Sec. 203 language minority coverage) extend the term "limited English" to include persons who "speak English well". Under these interpretations, just one category -- "Speak English Very Well" -- defines persons who are considered proficient in English.
The map can be used to identify polling places where Spanish-speaking voters are likely to experience difficulties and for voter registration drives.
Source: Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF 3) (Block Groups) and California Statewide Database
Maps 3 thru 18 -- Block Group Socio-economic Detail Maps
See SocioEcon mapper for map details.
Sources: Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data and SF 3 Sample Data
Map 19 -- Bush-Gore by County (Head-to-Head Contest)
At a scale of about 200 miles, green labels show votes cast for the two major party candidates by county.
Note that congressional lines are for the 109th congress ( 2005-2006), not the historical 2000 boundaries.
Source: Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections
Map 20 -- Bush-Kerry by County (Head-to-Head Contest)
At a scale of about 200 miles, green labels show votes cast for the two major party candidates by county.
This map does not display election returns below the county level.
Source: Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections, 12/03/04.
Map 21 -- Party Affiliation (State Senate) 2007/b>
Map 22 -- Party Affiliation (State House) 2007
Map 23 -- Party Affiliation (Congress) 2007
Map 24 -- Bush-Kerry by 2004 SS Precinct (Head-to-Head Contest)
To display 2004 SS precinct boundaries (green lines) in Maps 24, 25, and 26, click on the designated box below the map image, then select "Redraw". You must be zoomed in to a scale of about 10 miles to view the boundaries. Use the INFO tool to access registered voter data for November 2004 from the SS 2004 Precinct layer (displays in the pop-up window)
Excludes third-party votes. Absentee ballots have not been assigned to precincts.
View this map in Google Earth (click for details)
Source: California Statewide Database
Map 25 -- % Democrats (of registered voters) by 2004 SS Precinct
At a scale of about 10 miles, precinct level counts for registered Democrats (November 2004) are displayed in purple boxes.
Source: California Statewide Database
Map 26 -- % Latinos (of registered voters) by 2004 SS Precinct
At a scale of about 10 miles, precinct level counts for registered Latinos (November 2004) are displayed in purple boxes.
View this map in Google Earth (click for details)
Source: California Statewide Database
High Detail "Zoomable"-- Adobe format -- zoom to 200+)
- California Cities with Latino Populations over 15% (300)
Birds-eye view of registered Latinos (as a percent of all registered voters) at the time of the 2004 general election. The numbers displayed in purple boxes show the registered Latino voters count by SS precinct. These maps match interactive map 26.
Bush-Kerry by SS precinct for the same set of cities (head to head contest excluding third party candidates). The numbers in boxes show votes cast for the two major party candidates. These maps match interactive map 24. Absentee ballots have not been assigned to precincts.
Added a link to Neighborhood Knowledge California Select the field NKCA_Link from the INFO tool pop-up window for a block group on the FairData map and you'll see that block group in a new NKCA map window. Create an account (it's free) and you can batch geocode your own data points, create your own thematic maps --- and save the map for online access. Here is an excellent tutorial.
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