Updated with 2010-12 and 2008-12 ACS (Dec. 2013)
We have uploaded around 2,500 new chart documents based on the 2008-2010 American Community Survey (ACS). The charts compare African Americans, Latinos, and non-Hispanic whites across a range of socio-economic indicators.
The 2008-2010 ACS is the first three-year ACS to reflect the full impact of the Great Recession.
These documents include most places and counties in the nation with sizable
African-American or Latino populations -- i.e., populations over 20,000
that are at least 10% African American or Latino. (Some counties and
places that meet these criteria are excluded from this update due to missing population data or
data suppression in the ACS.)
Click here to access the directories with the 2008-2010 PDF files.
Documents are up to 64 pages in length, but there are fewer tables and charts for some localities due to data suppression.
November 2012 Update:
Additional chart documents (about 325) from the 5-year 2006-2010 American Community Survey, comparing Native Americans and non-Hispanic whites, are available here.
These documents include all states and counties and places that are at least 10% American Indian with populations of 2,000 or more. The documents are up to 60 pages in length, but there are fewer tables and charts for some jurisdictions that are almost exclusively Native American with little or no white population for comparison.
Also, the 2006-2010 ACS chart documents (about 1,200) available here provide socio-economic contrast for all states, as well as counties and places with populations between 5,000 and 20,000 that are at least 15% African American.
The chart template was developed for exhibits in Section 2 Voting Rights Act litigation. However, these ACS reports also have broader applicability as supporting documentation for community and economic development initiatives.
Monday, February 6, 2012
2010 ACS Contrast Charts by County and Place
Posted by
12:36 PM
Labels: American Community Survey
Saturday, June 4, 2011
State-by-State Block Level 2010 PL 94-171 Files Available for Download
We're making state-by-state block level 2010 PL 94-171 files available for download.
The dataset uses Maptitude field name nomenclature and includes the same race and ethnic categories as the 2000 PL94-171 block files we posted at the start of the 2000 Census redistricting cycle.
Additional calculated fields for "any part" African American, American Indian, and Asian Americans are included with the 2010 version.
There are 17 zip files -- with two or more states combined and organized in no particular order.
These comma-delimited files are extracts from the Census Bureau files and include most but not all multi-race and geographic fields.
As of June 1, 2011, we have used these files to develop statewide legislative plans for Virginia and South Carolina, as well as 35 local redistricting plans in a dozen states.
A nationwide point shapefile depicting 2010 group quarters blocks that we prepared for the Prison Policy Initiative is available here:
For Maryland redistricting, use the adjusted population data that reassigns the correctional population, released by the Maryland Department of Planning.
Posted by
12:34 PM
Labels: Census 2010, Redistricting
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Redistricting Data Available for All States
The Census Bureau completed the release of the 2010 Census PL 94-171 redistricting file last week. We now have block-level databases loaded into Maptitude for Redistricting for the entire country.
Redistricting plans for local jurisdictions (our specialty) usually require block-level detail in order to deal with the multiplicity of factors involved in drawing election districts.
We've added a few more places where we have provided technical redistricting assistance (for community groups, politicians, or government entities) since our posted list last month. These include:
Chickasaw County
Oktibbeha County
Webster County
City of Grenada
State Senate
US Congress
Northampton County
Sussex County
York County
City of Norfolk
City of Williamsburg
Fremont County (Large v. Fremont)
In addition, we are providing ongoing technical support for a national project to end prison-based gerrymandering sponsored by the Prison Policy Initiative.
We conduct online live redistricting sessions via join.me. Plan maps are produced for Maptitude for the Web, Google Maps, or as Adobe PDF files.
Initial draft plans (with PDF maps and stats) can usually be produced in four hours or less for local jurisdictions. For community groups, an initial draft alternative plan is often all that is needed.
Rates are $125 per hour for government entities and litigation services, with discounts for non-profits. No community-based group is turned away due to inability to pay.
Posted by
9:49 AM
Labels: Redistricting